Monday, December 31, 2012

Christmas Pressies

A bag of Panera Bagels???? Sure smells like it!

Just let me get my head it there and find one. I loves Cheese bagels!

Hey! There weren't any bagels in there! WTH! But......look at all these other goodies I found! BALLS! TONS OGFBALLS! A flat Santa, Snowman and Fox! Chewie toys galore! New dishes! Clothes! And.......SWEET POTATO CHEWIES! And an ANTLER!
So I take most of my loot to the couch, where I spend just about the rest of the day, until........Mom and Dad.......suddenly starting flinging about 12 BALLS all over the house! Boy did I ever have a fun Christmas!
Lovies, Miss Mindy

PS, I really am wondering why Santy Paws put all my pressies in a Panera Bag though! He sure fooled me!